Grow and Flourish

Walk to school week saw several of our pupils walking 3 miles to school, in the rain and sunshine!  

On Sunday 15th May, three Chudleigh School pupils attended the South West Schools Ski Competition. For two of the skiers, it was their first time entering a ski race competition. They skied extremely well and showed confidence and determination, especially in the torrential rain. All three children had a fantastic day and great performances resulting in Chudleigh School being awarded third place overall.

 Two year 6 pupils have started running a lunchtime 'Tech Deck' club for KS2. It has proved very popular. 

Feel Good Friday!

Year 6 sing Pharrell Williams - Happy

Mrs Solway’s class went to Teign School to take part in a multi-skills festival organised by one of the Teign School PE teachers and some of the Year 11 Sports Leaders. The children had a fantastic time practising different skills, including throwing, catching, running and jumping. Some of the activities meant they had to work in teams and use the skills of teamwork, compromise and sharing. Whereas some of the activities allowed the children to work individually to develop and improve on the different skills they were focussing on. A wonderful time was had by all!

“This is the best day ever!” “I was nervous about doing this, but now it’s just the best!” “I didn’t know what we were going to be doing but I love it!”

Chudfest art competition winners: "Coming Together at Christmas".

Our school orchestra playing at the remembrance service

 Every Tuesday after school, Mrs Cherry takes some of our musicians on the school minibus to Coombeshead College in Newton Abbot to attend the Bushell Youth Community Orchestra after-school club. The musicians have been participating in group development lessons with local peripatetic teacher Amanda Ayling and the improvement in their playing and musicianship in just a few weeks has been amazing! It is so lovely to hear live, ensemble music again after so long!

On Tuesday 12th October, Chudleigh Primary School participated in a Stover Cyclocross event. In the event we cycled around a cross country track. Each team year group team completed a lap of the track. Both the year 3/4 team and Year 5/6 team came first overall. There were also individual successes. In year 6, Henry came second overall and first out of Chudleigh. In third place was George. In Year 3/4  Lilly came second overall. We would like to congratulate all of the children as they have made individual success become a team success because they worked so hard. Everyone who participated will receive a certificate and 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a medal. We want to thank the staff members and parents who helped set up and transported us there.

Woods Homes Hedgehog art competition winners and the new hedgehog box in situ.